Whether your business owns a fleet of vehicles or just one or two, having good commercial auto insurance is crucial. Just as important is having an insurance agent who understands your business. You have worked long, hard hours to build and run a successful business; however; you may not be fully aware of the many risks that your business experiences daily by having vehicles on the road. This is where The Lyman Agency, Inc. can help make sure you are protected if a catastrophic accident occurs. We will help you develop a personalized commercial auto insurance program to minimize the chances of a large claim from happening in the first place. When a large claim does occur, you want an agent who has previously handled such a claim and has been there to help his clients through the claims process. You can trust that we at the Lyman Agency, Inc. have this experience. Each trip that you and your employees take in your commercial vehicles carries a risk of accidents, property damage, injuries, thefts, traffic violations, and lawsuits. We will work with you to make sure you are properly protected.
Commercial Auto Insurance In Connecticut

Contact the Lyman Agency
The Lyman Agency, LLC. has been meeting the insurance needs of businesses for more than 15 years. We can explain to you the commercial auto insurance coverages and endorsements that will best protect you and your business from a catastrophic loss. To learn more, fill out our contact form or call us today.
Be Sure With Lyman Insure
At The Lyman Agency, LLC., we uniquely understand your business. You want an insurance agency that is familiar with your business needs to ensure you are protected. Jim Lyman spent the first fifteen years of his career running various aspects of his family’s 1,000-acre farm prior to becoming an agent, and he has an excellent understanding of the trials and tribulations you experience every day. Jim instills this understanding in his staff, creating the Lyman difference. That is why we are confident that you can “Be Sure with Lyman Insure”.
Please contact us for a free insurance review and quote today. You can be sure with Lyman Insure.
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